Comprehensive Solution for Piping Hydraulic & Thermal Analysis

We invite process, piping and mechanical engineers and designers to join our overview webinars on PASS/HYDROSYSTEM!
Date: 27 February 2020
APAC: 11:30-13:00 IST (UTC +5:30)
EMEA: 11:00-12:30 CET (UTC +1:00)
AMER: 11:30-12:00 AST (UTC -4:00)
Duration: 1.5 hours
Cost: Free
Registration: Pre-registration is required
To analyze a piping system for hydraulic and thermal effects it is necessary to simulate its behavior on three scale levels: pipe cross section, pipe/branch run, and the whole piping network – and then link and solve these models together. At the cross-sectional scale it is necessary to define the type of fluid flow (laminar, turbulent, choked, or subsonic, flow pattern for multiphase flow – stratified, annular, intermitted, etc.), and the specifics of heat exchange between fluid and environment through pipe wall and thermal insulation. This knowledge is then used when calculating integral parameters of the flow and heat exchange (pressure gradient, heat losses per length, etc.) and following up how all fluid parameters change along the pipe/branch and all over the network. This would be impossible without access to most reliable thermodynamic data provided by software.
PASS/HYDROSYSTEM provides a calculation engine for all necessary fluid properties and phase equilibrium on the base of fluid composition, for a wide spectrum of fluids and applications. This advanced software combines sophisticated calculation capabilities with ease-of-use to deliver fluid flow and heat transfer simulation and sizing of any piping network in any design stage by “regular” engineers and designers. Process and piping engineers of more than 600 companies use the software now every day.
The PASS Software Suite has proven its usefulness helping more than 2000 customers around the globe to successfully and efficiently design complex piping systems and related equipment
During the webinar, we will cover main features of PASS/HYDROSYSTEM. You will learn:
- how PASS/HYDROSYSTEM user interface and data input are organized
- how to calculate pressure drop and heat losses for different types of flow (gas, liquid, two-phase etc.) in PASS/Hydrosystem
- how to calculate fluid flowrate and select diameters of pipeline in PASS/HYDROSYSTEM
- how to select pumps for pipelines and size the control valves (using goal-seek analysis) in PASS/HYDROSYSTEM
- how to perform liquid surge analysis in PASS/HYDROSYSTEM
Presenter: Sergey Lisin, PASS Support and QA engineer.
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